Chat enabled for everyone
Chat messages are now enabled for everyone by default, you can change this to friends only in social settings!
Chat messages are now enabled for everyone by default, you can change this to friends only in social settings!
Thanks to a partnership with Medal.TV, the best free software to record, clip, edit, and share your favorite Minecraft moments, we have a LIMITED OFFER for a FREE REWARD of your choice! Visit for instructions on how to get your reward and enter the giveaway!
Today we're introducing an update to our store! Rather than purchasing items through our store on website, you will now purchase points in-game. Afterwards, you can spend the points on cosmetics! Packages for points will scale up, so the more points you purchase, the more "bonus"
Today we are announcing a FREE animated Discord Cloak! To get access, all you need to do is link your Discord account in the Feather Client Launcher and join our discord server at! Additionally, linking your account will give you the Verified role in the Discord server.
This blog post will give you a few things you can try to resolve typical client or crashing issues. Use Repair Button Use the repair button in launcher settings. Disabling All External Mods Disabling all external mods will allow us to isolate if something is an issue related with Feather